Monday, December 5, 2011

Snowy Madness

Dec.4th 2011

With having my weekends off and reports of Snowy Owls around Peace River i've been lucky enough to head out and catch 6 Snowy Owls so far. I received word from the local Fish & Wildlife Dept that there were a couple snowies hanging around the bridge. I was fortunate to catch 2 of them, one being an adult female and she was the most miserable owl thats i've ever handled. The other was a hatch year male that was on the light side but with the amount of voles and mice around the bridge shouldn't have much trouble catching food, my only concern was that one if not both of these owls will become roadkill. Only time will tell.

I went looking around last week and found this massive adult female and she came in within 2 mins, usually I would have to wait anywhere from 20mins to 2 hrs before they come in. This bird was a healthy 2100 grms!

Yesterday evening I was out looking around because as many people know with the amount of Ravens around these Snowies won't sit up high to hunt until it gets almost dark so they aren't harassed, I found two young snowies and caught both, these birds are showing up hungry but not in that bad of shape as everyone is predicting.

I hope my luck continues, this is so far my best Snowy Owl capture season since 2005.

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