Friday, September 2, 2011

Fall Migration Begins

Sept 1st 2011

Had a few days off for my younger sister's wedding so Michelle and I left Peace River headed for Saskatoon. I checked out Hawk Ridge banding site in Duluth Minnesota and they had an impressive 400+ Sharp-shinned Hawks fly through there site yesterday.

I was hoping for some birds to start coming through Petrofka Raptor Station and was not dissapointed! In 2 days of trapping migrating raptors I caught 5 birds! I know this isn't alot for people along the great lakes where trapping 100 sharpies in a single day isn't unheard of, but here in the prairies its not a bad couple of days. I caught 2 Hatch year American Kestrels and a Hatch year Sharpie.


Today began nicely when this Merlin came out of nowhere and buried itself in the net.

Not even an hour later and this HY SSHA was caught, didn't even see it come in. Too bad I didn't have a station setup along the Peace River, last week I had an adult Peregrine Falcon fly over!

Hatch year Sharp-shinned Hawk

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