Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Turkey Vulture Tagging Time!

Aug.4-5th 2011

The time arrived to begin our Vulture tagging season, It comes up quick every year! As soon as I arrived back in Saskatoon I got our gear in order and we set out to tag Vultures in the West and NW part of Saskatchewan. Brent Terry and I travelled to 6 nests around North Battleford and tagged 11 young the first day. Here are pictures from a couple of those nests.

Two young TUVU posing with wings outstretched and sporting new wing tags

One of our stops included this house along a giant slough, new nest site for 2011 season but the house had been used for a few years. Its with help from local landowners that nest sites are found and young Vultures get tagged.

This is our 9th year that Dr.Houston's project has been running. Already with this project we have proven that Turkey Vultures begin breeding at 4 years of age, adult Vultures have helpers that bring food to young and that our Saskatchewan Vultures winter as far as southern Columbia and Venezuela.

TUVU nestling from Glaslyn Barn

So far a total of 144 Turkey Vultures were tagged this August with a handful of nests left to do. This beats last year total and so far has been our best season. Many thanks to everyone involved and especially to farmers who give us access to their land and call in Vulture sightings.

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