Monday, December 21, 2009

Weekend in the Boreal

Sat Dec.19th 2009

After the bad cold snap of -40 c for the past week, we decided to take a trip north into the Boreal Forest to look for some owls. We arrived just as the sun came up and found out first hawk owl around 10am. It was off in the distance but eventually came closer to the road and perched on a power line. Within seconds it was caught, banded and measurements were taken. It was a young bird fom this summer.

We continued driving west and managed to see 9 more hawk owls and 4 Great Grays. We ended our trip banding 8 hawk owls and 2 Great Grays. It was an excellent day and seeing that many owls is always a nice surprise. I know alot of people down south who would love to see the northern owl species, especially in numbers that high.

Newly banded Great Gray Owl

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