Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Rough-legged Hawk & Northern Goshawk

Rough-legged Hawk

Went up north this past weekend to look for owls to band. We did see a Northern Hawk owl which quickly flew away and a gray phase Gyrfalcon who was eating lunch so we couldn't get setup for it. It carried whatever it was eating off to a fence post.
We did however come across 4 Rough-legged hawks though and the first one we saw, we caught right away. Was a beautiful day but not much for owls and so we decided to head home early.

I received a call from Shayne that there was another hawk bouncing around in the Goshawk trap so I headed out and there was this nice massive female Northern Goshawk in the trap. She wasn't happy to have me pin her down and tied up her feet.
I was happy that I was able to get her legs before she could grab me. Biggest Goshawk I've ever caught, this is 4 Northern Goshawks in 2 years. Hope it keeps up and it would be nice to catch an adult which look a lot different then these juveniles.

Northern Goshawk

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