Sunday, January 22, 2012

Few More Owls


Went out today to see if there were any new Owls around, did a tour through my northern route to search for Great Grays and Hawkowls, I couldn't find any Great Grays, they seem to be extremely scarce this winter. I did find this juvy Northern Shrike.

Found a Northern Hawk Owl close to Peace River, turned out to be a SY bird with an unusual old wing injury.

Close up

Most of the Snowy Owls have moved out of Peace Region, my guess is maybe to Grande Prairie area or even further south, totals now are 36 SNOW's banded and 4 retraps of my own birds. Here's a couple of new ones.


An SY female

This has been an incredible winter, lets hope it continues!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 Year of the Snowy Owl

Jan.3rd 2012

Since last post i've been able to capture and band alot more Snowy Owls around Peace Country. Totals to date are 28 newly banded Snowies and 3 retraps from birds I banded a few weeks ago. I caught a HY(hatch year Male) from Dec.18 which is now a SY(second year) bird with the turning of the calendar year, it was retrapped 17 kms further south so these owls are still on the move if they haven't found a decent spot to maintain territory which is typical with young male Snowy Owls. The other was one I caught yesterday which was retrapped 2 kms east of its original banding location and after I investigated its old site I could clearly tell why, there were 2 large females hunting his old territory so they kicked him out which is also typical with females being more aggressive for territory.

HY Male

Here is a large female where he was banded back in December.

The majority of Snowies that have been banded have been HY females, here is one from a couple of weeks ago.

Most of these owls are in decent condition but I have come across 2 that I was concerned about. I have been feeding them voles that I have trapped just to give them some needed energy.

I'm hoping to band as many Snowies as possible before they depart Peace Region in March or April so that next winter i'll hear about one of these owls turning up somewhere else in the country or if I get lucky and retrap one of my own birds to determine whether or not they do come back to this place.