Tuesday, January 29, 2013

New Year and New Birds

It has been quite sometime since my last post,

First new bird of 2013 was this beautiful Great Gray Owl, it has been a long time since i've banded one.

I'm looking for a site to start baiting Snow Buntings and I got lucky when I my neighbor told me about a grain pile across the field. There were close to 500-600 snow buntings feeding there so I setup my bownet and caught some.

                                          Adult male Snow Bunting

There seems to be no Northern Hawkowls around this winter, I have only seen 2 on my travels and caught both in the new year.

Adult Snowy Owls have finally arrived, they are hungry this year so far and very easy to catch. I took a drive south to Falher where I caught most of my Snowy Owls last season, there was an owl perched on a transformer pole just at dusk so I setup for it and caught it. This is my first ever retrap of a Snowy Owl banded in a previous year. Here is how much she changed color.

                                               Female Snowy 2012 molt

Retrapped Snowy Owl 2013

Went out this past weekend and caught a couple more Snowy Owls and this juvenile male Gyrfalcon, this has been a remarkable winter, I've never seen so many Gyrfalcons.


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