Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cold Spring

April.13th 2010
Female Kestrel

I go from banding almost 20 Red-tails and 15 Kestrels last spring to only 1 Redtail and a handful of Kestrels this spring. I'm guessing the mouse and vole population blew up this winter with all the snow cover and left over crops laying in the fields. I've never had Kestrels ignore my bait and I've seen more Kestrels ignore my mice than I have caught birds this year, same goes for hawks. I watched 2 Rough-legged hawks actively hunting by Balckstrap drop down and catch voles like they were given to them on a golden plater. It's more frustrating than anything, especially when the price of gas is 122/ltr.
Male Kestrel

Harriers seem to be plentiful this spring around Saskatoon, I watched as a pair did their mating display along the North Saskatchewan River at my sister's place. There is a pair of kestrels there using one of my boxes and I noticed a pair of Merlins setting up shop in a magpie nest to the west along a shelterbelt. All I need now is Swainson's pair to use the nest they had last year and i should have a productive summer as long as the weather holds.

AHY Red-tailed Hawk

Mike Blom