Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fall Owl Banding

Oct.14th 2010

So far this has been the best fall since learning how to catch and band owls during fall migration. The weather is absolutely perfect and has been for almost this whole month around Saskatoon. Average nights are 10+ saw-whet owls and the occasional long-eared. I'm very pleased with the amount of birds coming through my banding station this fall. It's only the middle of Oct and i've banded 165 saw-whet owls and after tonight 17 long-eared owls.

I'm thinking of taking next week off because of the full moon. Catch rates drop dramatically when there is too much moonlight. I'm also wishing I had ordered 300 bands for saw-whets instead of the normal 200. I've caught 4 banded birds, one from Manitoba banded last fall, one from this site from last fall which is a first for me, and the other two owls were banded NE of Prince Albert a few weeks ago by Harold Fisher. I hope this weather continues and that the owls keep pushing through.

Mike Blom

Saskatoon, Sk