Friday, September 27, 2013

Small Start To Fall

A couple quick months have passed by and lucky surprises have kept us entertained, a first for Peace Raptor Study. A big thanks to Syl Bourdages for some Peregrine sightings and the study's first bird!

              Syl with his Peregrine just north of Grande Prairie, Alberta      

Warm weather brings an end to the summer and the beginning of hawk migration. A nice surprise on Aug.29/13 when an adult Cooper's Hawk showed up in the yard. Content of having pigeon for breakfast she was an easy catch in the goshawk trap.

     AHY Cooper's Hawk

The first cold front brought a nice push of Sharp-shinned Hawks and Kestrels.

      Juvy SSHA

    Juvy Kestrels

After last years luck with Boreal Owls at the end of August I gave it a try for a couple nights and caught 6. All of them but one were young from this year.

     Boreal Owls

September marks the start of Northern Saw-whet Owl migration, so far there has only been a single owl being caught each night but by mid Sept and early October birds should be on the move.

    Northern Saw-whet Owl