Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Snowy Spring

After 7 months of winter spring looks like it might be here to stay. It's been a very long time since I've updated on here but I really haven't had much luck trapping much the last month or so. Kestrels just aren't around in any great numbers this spring but I have managed to catch 3 so far. Here is a male I caught back at the beginning of April.

Red-tailed Hawks and Harlan's Hawks have also been coming through in decent numbers, here is two different color variations of Harlan's Hawks, a light one looking at its back and a dark one from the front.

Tonight I went out to try and find a Peregrine Falcon I came across hunting ducks south of my place. I was in luck finding the Peregrine again but my pigeon froze as the falcon made passes out in the field at ducks so I wasn't able to catch it. I did manage to have my best luck road trapping Rough-legged Hawks though with 5 caught. Here is a look at the difference between each bird.

And finally after almost 2 months of waiting 'Whitelaw' our Snowy Owl is on the move heading NW and has made a pit stop in the Keg River area. There are open farm fields which Snowy Owls prefer for hunting. Stay tuned to see where he ends up.

Last night I caught my 100th Snowy Owl since receiving my masters permit. This nice three year old male decided he wanted pigeon instead of a field full of ducks.