Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Recent Birds

Things are picking up around Peace Region. I went out on Friday and came across 2 adult Gyrfalcons. I wasn't able to trap them because they both had full crops but when I went back on Saturday I was setting up for a Snowy Owl and this juvy Gyr came in and I managed to catch it with my bownet.

Snowy Owls have arrived again this year in decent numbers and now they seem to be hungry. I've caught 7 so far and they are all juvy birds. Looks like they had another decent breeding year in the arctic.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Hungry Hawks

Winter arrived 2 weeks early along with Snowy Owls. The first Snowy I found was on Oct.28th and all I can say is that they aren't reacting to my bait like they did last year. I've tried for 12 different Snowies and haven't had any interest.

With the first winter dump of snow a week and a half ago I was very lucky in catching 7 Rough-legged Hawks and 2 Harlan's Hawks. Here are some photos showing the difference in plumage in Roughies. These birds were in terrible shape being very much underweight, I had 3 RLHA's and 1 HRLH on my trap at once. I managed to catch 2 of the 4.
SY Harlan's Hawk

SY Harlan's Hawk

Harlan's Hawk Tail

AHY Male Rough-legged Hawk

SY Rough-legged Hawk

ASY Male Rough-legged Hawk

HY Rough-legged Hawk

Hawk Fight

Roughie Tail